Dunleath Organ Scholarship Trust - Organ Workshop

Organ Workshop with Malcolm Proud
Tuesday, 22nd August 2017, 2:30 – 4:30pm
St Malachy’s Church, Armagh

The 2017 organ workshop is being run as part of the Northern Ireland International Organ Competition programme (see www.niioc.com). The event, which will use the two-manual and pedal organ by Wells Kennedy in St Malachy’s Church, will provide a valuable opportunity for performance and discussion in a non-competitive atmosphere.

Whilst the workshop is being held on the same day as the Junior and Intermediate Competitions, it is open also to young organists at a relatively-early stage in their organ studies who may not wish to enter for the competitions. Those interested are encouraged to prepare 17th/18th-century repertoire. To reserve a place, please email info@niioc.com.

A bursary of £100 may be awarded to the student who displays most promise.

Dunleath Organ Scholarship Trust
(Registered with The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC 102923/Inland Revenue XO 1403/94)

The Dunleath Organ Scholarship Trust was established in 1995 in memory of the late Charles Edward Henry John Baron Dunleath (1933-1993) who exercised a valuable influence on organ design and construction in Ireland. The Trust provides support for young organists, resident in Northern Ireland or the Republic of Ireland, to enable them to pursue their interest in the organ.